Tuesday 24 September 2013

Cleaning Up My Mess Of a Room: From Drab To Fab!

So I always thought I had OCD, but after taking a look at my desk and realising it looks like this...

...I decided maybe that wasn't the case. I know I've ranted before about having a clean desk and efficiency, but talking the talk is much easier than walking the walk. I first realised I had this problem when my friend came over and asked where she could put her bag, and I casually said: "Just throw it on the desk," to which she responded "...What desk?" I pointed it out and she proclaimed: "There's a desk under there?!" It was time to take action!

I got all my energy and efforts together and dumped everything off my desk onto the floor. This was step one. I considered convincing myself that the mess was actually all strategically placed around my room, but after half an hour of failing to believe myself I knew I had to move on to step two: actual cleaning. I rolled up my sleeves and packed most of my important documents, aka "junk", into boxes to put in the garage. The desk once again looked amazing and clean! Almost like one of the best office desks in Melbourne! Well... From my perspective anyway. It was now a lot more like this:

Looks like something I could've gotten from http://www.officefurnituredeals.com.au/office-desks-melbourne/!

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